Our current emissions profile
Our Scope 1 and 2 emissions currently reflect our established iron ore operations, primarily located within the Pilbara region of Western Australia and represent less than 1 per cent of our overall emissions (combined Scope 1, 2, and 3). As our business develops and our green technology, green energy and international metal assets become established, our Scope 1 and 2 emissions profile will also change.
CO2-e purchased goods and services
CO2-e scope 3 shipping
CO2-e processing of our iron ore by our customers
Accelerating a transition to a low-emissions climate-resilient economy
In addition to our work to decarbonise Fortescue, we are seeking to make a significant and strategic contribution to accelerating the global transition to a zero-emissions economy. By transforming our company into an integrated green technology, energy and metals business, we will offer a suite of zero-emissions products and technologies to support industrial decarbonisation, particularly in hard to abate sectors.

Fortescue's innovation portfolio follows these strategic objectives: